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Newsletter: Women defending rights in Oaxaca, Guerrero and Veracruz

This edition of our bimonthly Newsletter by EDUCA Oaxaca A.C. contains four articles on four different women in the states of Oaxaca, Guerrero and Veracruz in southern and southwestern Mexico. The articles range from reports of threats against human rights defenders to International protection policies for women human rights defenders, and the promotion of gender equality through art and music.…
10 febrero, 2015
La Minuta

Gobierno federal no protege a testigos en caso de Bety y Jyri

En el proceso por el asesinato de 'Bety' Cariño, fundadora del Centro de Apoyo Comunitario Trabajando Unidos (CACTUS), y el activista Jyri Jaakkola, no ha habido resguardo de testigos, ni protección a los mismos, declaró Omar Esparza, miembro del Movimiento Agrario Indígena Zapatista (MAIZ). "Hasta el día de hoy, el gobierno federal no ha dado resguardo a los testigos y…
10 febrero, 2015

Possibility of freedom for torture survivor Claudia Medina

Claudia Medina Tamariz, who survived 36 hours of physical, psychological and sexual torture in her home in Veracruz, Mexico, by members of the Mexican Marine (SEMAR), and has been released on bail, remains on trial for allegations of illegal firearms possession. Bearing in mind that the sole source of evidence for the indictment came from SEMAR itself, Claudia Medina was…
9 febrero, 2015
La Minuta

Comunidad zapoteca pone en jaque a Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo

Como parte de la nueva política energética impulsada por su administración, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, en su primera visita a Oaxaca durante los dos años de su gestión, inauguró en días atrás el gasoducto Jaltipan-Salina Cruz de Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), sin embargo, la obra está inconclusa. Quien ha puesto en jaque su apuesta por crear el Corredor Interoceánico, con…
9 febrero, 2015

4 years and 7 months on, presumed murderer of human-rights defenders is apprehended

On 21 January, Elías Cruz Merino, leader of the Movement for Triqui Unification and Struggle (MULT) and official of San Juan Copala, was arrested as one of the presumed murderers of the human-rights defenders Bety Cariño y Jyri Jaakkola (Finnish). Both were killed in April 2010 as they participated in a humanitarian caravan headed to San Juan Copala. Cruz Merino is accused of…
9 febrero, 2015

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights orders protection of indigenous leader Nestora Salgado

On January 28th, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) released a report on the precautionary measures that have been requested for indigenous community police (or CRAC) leader Nestora Salgado, who currently requires medical attention while being deprived of her liberty at a maximum security prison in Nayarit, Mexico. She was arrested by police and military units on August 21st, 2013,…
5 febrero, 2015