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U.S. pushes for energy integration as Mexico finalizes Energy Reform legislation

A series of reforms introduced during President Enrique Peña Nieto’s first year in office represent the deepest structural changes to Mexico’s economic order since the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement 20 years ago. The measures passed easily through Congress thanks to a legislative pact which includes the two largest political parties. While there’s no question about the…
20 mayo, 2014
La Minuta

Se conforma en Oaxaca el Frente por la Comunicación Democrática

En el marco de la discusión sobre las leyes secundarias en materia de telecomunicaciones y radiodifusión, y de su próxima aprobación, la AMEDI capítulo Oaxaca convocó a la sociedad oaxaqueña a conformar el Frente por la Comunicación Democrática Capítulo Oaxaca. Su propósito, exigir al Congreso de la Unión que se respeten las reformas constitucionales en la materia de telecomunicaciones y…
19 mayo, 2014

Oaxaca: Relatives of Loxicha prisoner denounce psychological torture and isolation

On 7 May, relatives of Loxicha prisoner Zacarías Pascual García López denounced the inhumane treatment, psychological torture, and isolation that Zacarías has suffered for 11 months in the Federal Center for Social Readaptation (CEFERESO) located in Mengolí de Morelos, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca.  “We are only allowed a four-hour visit once a month; we cannot touch him because they threaten to cancel…
19 mayo, 2014

EDUCA accuses transnational corporations of collective rights violations at EIDHR Forum in Brussels

Human rights defender at Educa Oaxaca, Marcos Leyva Madrid, attended a Human Rights forum organized by the European Commission in Brussels earlier this week. This year’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) 2014 ‘Protecting Those Who Protect’, whose aim is to provide support for the promotion of democracy and human rights in non-EU countries, focused on Human Rights…
16 mayo, 2014

Mexico promises justice for unsolved murders

Mexico City, Mexico - A huddle of tents is conspicuously positioned in front of the federal attorney general's offices in Mexico City. The encampment, adorned with signs that declare "justice for Bety Carino and Jyri Jaakola" and "Hunger strike: Day 11", marks as a visual anomaly in the trendy district of Zona Rosa. Inside, six people on hunger strike are physically…
16 mayo, 2014
La Minuta

Festival de Tierra Caliente 2014 “Sí a la vida, no a la minería”

El Sabado 17 de mayo en Capulálpam de Méndez, Festival de Tierra Caliente 2014 “Sí a la vida, no a la minería”. Convivencia de los pueblos del Río Grande. Encuentro de comunidades en la “Cruz de Güitee”, con ofrenda a la Madre Tierra, información de autoridades, comida, música, baile. El festival será transmitido en vivo por RADIO PADIUSHRI en el…
16 mayo, 2014