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Since 1994, Educa A.C., as a civil organization, accompanies social movements, advises social organizations and indigenous communities in the defense of their social and civil rights, promotes civil and political education, advocates for the integral protection of human rights, and initiates projects of sustainable, rural development in the state of Oaxaca. As part of our strategy to promote civil and political education, we translate some of our publications into English and founded the Twitter account “Human Rights Oaxaca Mexico” to address an international audience. In the globalized world, we live in, today’s problems need to be viewed from different perspectives in order, to be solved. Therefore our work in English intends to give Oaxaca’s civil society a voice, create awareness and promote public dialogue. We cover topics such as social movements, gender and migration violence, territorial and environmental conflicts, indigenous resistance against transnational megaprojects, as well as other current issues Oaxaca’s civil society finds itself confronted with.

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PBI-Mexico concerned by 226 attacks against community defenders opposed to Interoceanic Corridor megaproject

The Peace Brigades International-Mexico Project is one of the 23 organizations in the Civilian Observation Mission (MCO), documenting human rights violations in the context of the Interoceanic Corridor megaproject. along with Union of Indigenous Communities of the Northern Isthmus (UCIZONI), the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre (BHHRC), Services for an Alternative Education A.C. (EDUCA) and Espacio OSC. During the…
EDUCA Comunicación
28 junio, 2024

Documentary: Mining Without Consent

Mining represents a serious threat to indigenous communities in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. In the Central Valleys, 12 communities have organized to confront this problem and to defend their territories and dignity. However, despite presenting evidence, testimonies, and records, and in violation of the communities' right to self-determination, the federal government, through the Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural…
EDUCA Comunicación
22 abril, 2024

Eleven Zapotec communities in Mexico win injunction against Canadian mining company, say court order should be respected and the mine closed

An injunction/court order granted by a Mexican judge should protect eleven Zapotec communities in the Ocotlán Valley of Oaxaca state from Vancouver-based Fortuna Silver and its subsidiary the Cuzcatlán mining company. A statement from the communities says: “Faced with the negligence and omission of the federal government, we decided to appeal to the justice system through an amparo on December…
EDUCA Comunicación
5 abril, 2024

Communities of the Oaxaca Valley Seek Protection Against Mining Concessions

- Communities of the Oaxaca Valley have obtained a provisional suspension of mining concessions in their territories. - The communities of Oaxaca Valley demand that the First District Court thoroughly review the mining concessions granted without their consent. As a result of contempt by the federal government and systematic violations of territorial rights by the Cuzcatlán mining company (a subsidiary…
EDUCA Comunicación
4 abril, 2024

Front Line Defenders and Red TDT condemn the sentence against human rights defender David Hernández Salazar

The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders or Front Line Defenders and the Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos “Todos los Derechos para Todas, Todos y Todes” (Red TDT) condemn the sentencing of human rights defender David Hernández Salazar,  which they believe are in reprisals for his legitimate and peaceful defence of human rights. On…
EDUCA Comunicación
15 febrero, 2024

Mexico: Stop the attacks against indigenous land and territory defenders in the context of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec megaproject

Early in the morning on 27 January, nine defenders of the territory of Santa María Mixtequilla were arbitrarily detained and charged with the theft of a local police car in the context of protests organised by the community against the imposition of a “Development Zone” as part of the Interoceanic Corridor megaproject. The following day, many State police agents, members…
EDUCA Comunicación
30 enero, 2024

Launch of IPRI-Report: Scars become memory. Militarization of indigenous peoples in Mexico

Mexico is going through a difficult situation of violence and impunity that over time is accentuated and is becoming a spiral of despair. In the face of this phenomenon, the militarization of public security is presented as a necessary harm, which has provoked debates in public opinion. Participate in the presentation of our report: Scars are memory. Militarization of indigenous…
EDUCA Comunicación
9 noviembre, 2023