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Since 1994, Educa A.C., as a civil organization, accompanies social movements, advises social organizations and indigenous communities in the defense of their social and civil rights, promotes civil and political education, advocates for the integral protection of human rights, and initiates projects of sustainable, rural development in the state of Oaxaca. As part of our strategy to promote civil and political education, we translate some of our publications into English and founded the Twitter account “Human Rights Oaxaca Mexico” to address an international audience. In the globalized world, we live in, today’s problems need to be viewed from different perspectives in order, to be solved. Therefore our work in English intends to give Oaxaca’s civil society a voice, create awareness and promote public dialogue. We cover topics such as social movements, gender and migration violence, territorial and environmental conflicts, indigenous resistance against transnational megaprojects, as well as other current issues Oaxaca’s civil society finds itself confronted with.

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We say no and never more to the presence of the United States Military on mexican and central american territories!

Since the beginning of 2017, a new military pact is being developed between the United States, Mexico, and Central America to increase the presence of the US Southern Command on the border of Guatemala and Mexico. This means that for the first time in recent history there would be official operations of the United States Army in Mexican territory. So far…
19 mayo, 2017

Pressfreedom in Mexico means living with impunity

(CPJ Commitee to Protect Journalists) It is a feeling of frustration that stays with you. Current affairs in Mexico today are dominated by two prevalent issues: corruption and impunity. Every story, breaking news or media report originates from these two issues. And to practice journalism here means to work in a climate of corruption and impunity. This is not fiction. It’s…
3 mayo, 2017

Killed human rights defenders Bety and Jyri – 7 years of impunity

Today, seven years have passed since in April 2010 a humanitarian and human rights caravan that was carrying food and medicine to the inhabitants of the indigenous triqui community of San Juan Copola was attacked by paramilitary forces. The triqui region of Oaxaca has long since been immersed in violence and disruption due to political tensions between governing administrations. The shootings…
27 abril, 2017

Indigenous postulate women for the presidency of Mexico

A coalition of indigenous Mexican communities (CNI)  has announced the creation of its own government in coordination with the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN). Dubbed the Indigenous Governing Council (CGI), this government will aim to promote autonomy for indigenous Mexicans. “This council proposes to govern this country,” the EZLN said in a communique. One representative said “Indignation, resistance and…
16 enero, 2017

Oaxacan communities stand in solidarity with the Sioux Tribe of Standing Rock in fight against Dakota pipeline

Oaxacan communities, social and civil organizations and independent academics united in the Oaxaca State Organization for Defense of Native Maize wrote this letter to show their support of the Sioux Tribe of Standing Rock in  fight against the Dakota access pipeline: AN OPEN LETTER OF SOLIDARITY AMONG INDIGENOUS PEOPLEIt is our right to conserve the territories, the cultures and the spirituality…
30 noviembre, 2016

Remembering Brad Will 10 years after his murdering

Ten years ago today, Indymedia reporter Brad Will was killed while filming teacher protests in Oaxaca, Mexico. His case remains unsolved, despite calls for an investigation by members of Congress, and even a temporary delay in U.S. aid. Bradley Roland Will (June 14, 1970 – October 27, 2006) was an American activist, videographer and journalist. He was affiliated with Indymedia. On October 27,…
27 octubre, 2016

Two Years After Ayotzinapa

September 26 marks the second anniversary of the night student teachers were attacked by police in the city of Iguala, Guerrero. Three students and three bystanders were killed in the attacks and 43 students were disappeared. The case sparked months of angry demonstrations in Mexico that seriously damaged President Enrique Peña Nieto's image both at home and abroad. “This is…
26 septiembre, 2016