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Since 1994, Educa A.C., as a civil organization, accompanies social movements, advises social organizations and indigenous communities in the defense of their social and civil rights, promotes civil and political education, advocates for the integral protection of human rights, and initiates projects of sustainable, rural development in the state of Oaxaca. As part of our strategy to promote civil and political education, we translate some of our publications into English and founded the Twitter account “Human Rights Oaxaca Mexico” to address an international audience. In the globalized world, we live in, today’s problems need to be viewed from different perspectives in order, to be solved. Therefore our work in English intends to give Oaxaca’s civil society a voice, create awareness and promote public dialogue. We cover topics such as social movements, gender and migration violence, territorial and environmental conflicts, indigenous resistance against transnational megaprojects, as well as other current issues Oaxaca’s civil society finds itself confronted with.

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PRI Mayor in Oaxaca Gives Orders to Fire at Citizens

Another act of state aggression occurs amidst Mexico’s escalating social and political climate; the General State Prosecutor of Oaxaca reported that on Thursday, 20 State Investigations Agency officers consulted the San Baltazar Chichicapam municipal authorities, “after reports of unrest where there was an exchange of fire and injuries occurred.”  Even though the state prosecutor did not elaborate on exactly how…
10 noviembre, 2014

Latin America Accuses Canadian Companies of Mining Abuses

The Canadian government is failing either to investigate or to hold the country’s massive extractives sector accountable for rights abuses committed in Latin American countries, according to petitioners who testified here Tuesday before an international tribunal. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) also heard concerns that the Canadian government is not making the country’s legal system available to victims…
7 noviembre, 2014

Life and Death, Hope and Fear: a visit to Iguala

It was here in Iguala, a city whose name means “place of the serene nights,” where local police killed six people and disappeared 43 studentson the night of Sept 26th. This latest episode in Mexico - unlike many other bloody events since massive US - supported militarization began here in 2007 - has made national and international headlines, and sparked tens of thousands of…
6 noviembre, 2014

Newsletter: On the forced disappearance of 43 normal school students in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero

As Mexican journalist Luis Hernández Navarro said, in response to a question on why the government would kill normalistas: "Because they can." He added, "You see this in the media and society that the police believe that they won’t be tried for their crimes.” (Source: Waging Nonviolence) This newsletter aims to provide a compilation of recent analytic articles and comprehensive media coverage surrounding…
31 octubre, 2014

Oaxacans want the right not to migrate

OAXACA DE JUAREZ, Mexico - For six weeks hundreds of teachers in the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca have been living in tents, in the capital city's main plaza, the zocalo. Bonifacio Garcia, one of the protestors, declares, "We will stay here until the state Chamber of Deputies agrees that our education reform will move forward in all our schools." Each week…
30 octubre, 2014

Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico: A Crime Against Humanity

They are young people, mostly the children of farming families, students in a rural normal school. That is why they were forcefully disappeared. They defend public education, the rural normal schools, the teaching to serve the most needy and the social transformation of Mexico. This is why they shot at them and kidnapped them. The forced disappearance of the students…
9 octubre, 2014

National Day of Maize in Mexico: Protecting the Sacred Plant

Mexicans celebrated National Day of Maize on September 29, 2014, with demonstrations, marches, and expositions. Known as the Land of Maize, Mexico now imports one-third of this sacred icon and staple food, mostly from the US. A fierce battle is being waged over corn that is still grown in Mexico, with small farmers and seed sovereignty activists pitted against Monsanto…
3 octubre, 2014