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Since 1994, Educa A.C., as a civil organization, accompanies social movements, advises social organizations and indigenous communities in the defense of their social and civil rights, promotes civil and political education, advocates for the integral protection of human rights, and initiates projects of sustainable, rural development in the state of Oaxaca. As part of our strategy to promote civil and political education, we translate some of our publications into English and founded the Twitter account “Human Rights Oaxaca Mexico” to address an international audience. In the globalized world, we live in, today’s problems need to be viewed from different perspectives in order, to be solved. Therefore our work in English intends to give Oaxaca’s civil society a voice, create awareness and promote public dialogue. We cover topics such as social movements, gender and migration violence, territorial and environmental conflicts, indigenous resistance against transnational megaprojects, as well as other current issues Oaxaca’s civil society finds itself confronted with.

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Uncertain whereabouts of more than 300 migrants detained and beaten by Mexico’s authorities

Mexico. — The whereabouts remain “uncertain” of the more than 300 migrants arrested on 30 April in an “impressive” operation mounted by Mexico’s Migration Institute (INM), the Federal Police (PF) and Tabasco State Police according to Marta Sánchez of the Mesoamerican Migrants’ Movement (MMM). “We think that they might have them in the Acayucán, Veracruz detention center but there are…
2 mayo, 2014

Gravity’s Cuarón challenges Mexico’s Peña Nieto over energy reforms

The film-maker Alfonso Cuarón, riding high after winning this year's best director Oscar, has launched into political activism in his Mexican homeland by throwing down the gauntlet to the president. The London-based director of Gravity published a full-page advertisement in Mexican newspapers on Monday addressed to President Enrique Peña Nieto and demanding answers to 10 questions about the country's controversial…
29 abril, 2014

Fight against Monsanto enters the courtroom

The fight against genetically modified corn in Mexico began in the communities, leaped to the streets, spread to the  printed page and now is being carried on in the courtroom. It is an uneven dispute in which the federal government has sided with the transnational corporation and against the majority of Mexican farmers and consumers. But in the latest battle…
29 abril, 2014

Peoples’ Encounter in Resistance Against the Extractive Mining Model in Mexico

The Mexican Network of Mining-Affected Peoples (REMA, for its initials in Spanish) and the Mesoamerican Movement against the Mining Extractive Model (M4) organized a three-day nationwide encounter in the Northern Sierra of Puebla where hundreds of mining-affected community members from numerous states participated in talks and workshops where experiences, strategies for the defense of the territory, and socio-environmental impacts were…
21 abril, 2014

Energy, Integration, and Colonialism

A key process in the integration of the Mexican and U.S. economies has long been the privatization of energy, a sector previously protected from privatization by Articles 27 and 28 of the Mexican Constitution and associated secondary laws. The legislation passed by the Mexican Congress last December has changed that protection and will make Mexican oil available to private national…
21 abril, 2014

Attack and harassment of human rights defender and member of Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Juchitán Ms Carmen Ruiz Martínez

On 10 April 2014, human rights defender Ms Carmen Ruiz Martínez was followed by two unknown women while going to the market in the town of Juchitán. The women grabbed her as to force her to go with them, but she managed to escape. The incident occurred shortly after a call threatening to abduct the human rights defender, and followed…
15 abril, 2014

On Mexican Isthmus, Indigenous Communities Oppose Massive Energy Projects

The wind corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, stretching across the southern Mexican states of Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco and Veracruz, is one of the most important in Latin America in terms of corporate investment and profits. Of the 28 farms in the region, all of which are located principally on indigenous communal lands, construction is halfway complete. This has led…
10 abril, 2014