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Since 1994, Educa A.C., as a civil organization, accompanies social movements, advises social organizations and indigenous communities in the defense of their social and civil rights, promotes civil and political education, advocates for the integral protection of human rights, and initiates projects of sustainable, rural development in the state of Oaxaca. As part of our strategy to promote civil and political education, we translate some of our publications into English and founded the Twitter account “Human Rights Oaxaca Mexico” to address an international audience. In the globalized world, we live in, today’s problems need to be viewed from different perspectives in order, to be solved. Therefore our work in English intends to give Oaxaca’s civil society a voice, create awareness and promote public dialogue. We cover topics such as social movements, gender and migration violence, territorial and environmental conflicts, indigenous resistance against transnational megaprojects, as well as other current issues Oaxaca’s civil society finds itself confronted with.

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Cancellation of Mexican wind farm highlights flaw in green transition

Mexico has the fastest-growing wind power industry in the world, making it an important case study in the first steps of a global transition towards renewable energy. However, in the windy Isthmus region of Oaxaca, this rapid growth has been accompanied by ongoing conflict and social unrest that puts the future of these projects in jeopardy. For the past two…
7 abril, 2014

NAFTA linked to Massive Human Rights Violations in Mexico

In a series of preliminary opinions, an international tribunal of conscience has condemned massive violations of human rights in Mexico. Now wrapping up a four-year process of evidence gathering,  members of  the Mexican chapter of the Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT) have found grave threats to  the environment, food sovereignty, indigenous autonomy, and  democratic rights of self-expression and organization of the…
7 abril, 2014

“It was a massacre”

This article was first published on Noticias, Voz y Imagen de Oaxaca on 18 May 2013, and was republished via that newspaper’s portal NoticiasNet.Mx on 21 March 2014 in recognition of its author winning the 2013 Premio Nacional de Periodismo (National Journalism Award). Vélez Ascencio has worked as a reporter for 30 years, with the last two decades at the…
25 marzo, 2014

Briefing on EU-Mexico Human Rights Dialogue

Ahead of the EU-Mexico Human Rights Dialogue, which took place in Brussels on the 18th of March, Protection International together with PBI (Peace Brigades International), CIFCA (Iniciativa de Copenhague para Centroamérica y México) and Front Line Defenders submitted a joint briefing, reporting that HRDs in Mexico continue to suffer attacks, threats, harassment and murders. The four signatory organizations have identified…
21 marzo, 2014

Growing social discontent against megaprojects

March has been prodigal in social resistance events against open-pit mining and other “megaprojects”. They are also a form of rejecting extractive policies in general, and in many cases they represent the effort to begin building another way of life that is less commercialized and more human. The first day of the month, in the municipality of San Luis Bentrán,…
18 marzo, 2014

No reproductive justice for pregnant indigenous women in Mexico

In October of last year, Irma Lopez Aurelio arrived at a state health clinic in Oaxaca, Mexico, in labor with her third child. The doctors at the clinic told her to come back, that her labor was not advanced enough and no doctor was available to help her. Irma, who is Indigenous, spoke little Spanish and was unable to communicate how advanced her labor…
18 marzo, 2014

Justice for San Jose del Progreso – Civilian Observation Mission Report

In the early months of 2012, two members of the Coordinator of the United Peoples of Ocotlán Valley—Bernardo Vázquez Sánchez and Bernardo Méndez Vázquez—were murdered after participating in seven year of opposition to the presence of the Cuzcatlán-Fortuna Silver Mines Company. Concerned about the growth in the conflict, different civil society organizations held a civilian observation and human rights mission…
10 marzo, 2014